
  1. Foremost Methods to shrink your Jeans

    Foremost Methods to shrink your Jeans
    Summer is going on But jeans will be prominent in all seasons. If we talk about most preferred attire in the world then Denim will peak the list. You may also have Jeans in your wardrobe which you wear most. There are many DIY ideas you can use on your Denim to get more out of it. Maybe some of your favorite pair of jeans has stretched out and lost their shape. If you want to shrink them then we have some superior methods which will shrink them without harming their quality.  Continue reading →
  2. 7 Ways you can use to Wash/Clean Your jeans and preserve its value

    7 Ways you can use to Wash/Clean Your jeans and preserve its value
    When it comes to superior Lifestyle Denim Jeans has conquered the spot. Denim has replaced approx 70% wardrobe of every individual. On an Average, Every person has three to four pair of custom jeans in his Closet. Continue reading →
  3. Different Denim Different Fabric

    Different Denim Different Fabric
    There are many kind of denims are available, and most used denim from 18th century to this date is 3x1 weave with indigo dyed, today's denim are 80% consist of 3x1 and variation built on that around 3x1 weaved Denim, lets see what kind of denim fabrics are available around us. Continue reading →
  4. Denim and Fashion - Two Inseparable elements

    Denim and Fashion - Two Inseparable elements
    Jeans are most treasured piece of clothing can ever be in your closet, Jeans are not considered as a clothing wear but has become a fashion icon. Wearing Denim jeans is so trendy and creating vogue since the 19th Century.  Jeans comes in variety of colours but blue denim has urge. Jeans are made from denim or dungaree cloth. In 1873 Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss has developed this clothes. Jeans are named From the city of Genoa in Italy where cotton corduroy, called either jean or jeane, was manufactured. Continue reading →

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